Quick Start

As a quick start, let's get you your registration file. U just need two steps:

  1. Send a login request

  2. Send a registration file request

The simpler way to do API requests is using a web API tester, I recommend Insomnia.

1. Send a login request

The easiest way to log in is by sending a POST request to the /login end-point, this end-point requires a body with just two pieces of information:

  1. cpf Your CPF numbers as u type on Siga 3

  2. password Your password as u type on Siga 3

If you are afraid of your password being stolen by a malicious proxy or by MySiga server, you can do a POST request to the end-point /login/raw where you will need to encrypt your password before sending it, as it adds a lot of complexity it will not be covered in this quick tutorial.

With your CPF and password ready, u can prepare and send the login request like so:

curl --request POST \
  --url https://mysiga.laravieira.me/login \
  --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  --form cpf=12345678901 \
  --form password=mysiga123

If everything worked, you should get a JSON response like this:

	"server": "https:\/\/sigam1.ufjf.br\/index.php",
	"siga": "cltrava6630eo6fln4ao621vn2",
	"client": "1e1a3a2698a6ac2fb0bbe8867f713e09",
	"logged": true

2. Send a registration file request

Now you're logged, so let's do a GET request to /academic/registration/browser end-point, this only requires the PHPSESSID cookie to be sent so it knows who u are, the PHPSESSID value is the same as the "client" field on the login response.

curl --request GET \
  --url https://mysiga.laravieira.me/academic/registration/browser \
  --cookie 'PHPSESSID=1e1a3a2698a6ac2fb0bbe8867f713e09'

If you are using the browser or an API tester, the registration pdf will show up.

If you are not using a browser or an API tester, you may see the raw pdf data of the registration file, you can save this data to a file, set the extension of that file to .pdf, and then open it normally.

Extra step

If you are a person who loves to click on the logout button, u can also send a GET request to /login/logout destroy your session on the MySiga and on Siga 3. This also requires u to send the PHPSESSID, so MySiga knows which session to destroy. Do it like this:

curl --request GET \
  --url https://mysiga.laravieira.me/login/logout \
  --cookie 'PHPSESSID=1e1a3a2698a6ac2fb0bbe8867f713e09'

The logout will give u a JSON response like that:

	"server": "https:\/\/sigam1.ufjf.br\/index.php",
	"siga": "cltrava6630eo6fln4ao621vn2",
	"client": null,
	"logged": false

Next steps

Now that u had accomplished the Quick Start tutorial, feel free to check out the reference and discover more about MySiga API.

Last updated